History of "Introduction of Kairos Communication Service International" - It began with a missionary's dream

Dr. Sigurd Aske, a Norwegian missionary to China, left China after the communist government took power.
But he had never forgotten China...
In 1979, a foreign journalist visiting China reported that the Christian Church in China had not been wiped out. Through the dreadful persecution during the Cultural Revolution, church buildings had been confiscated, Bibles had been burnt, pastors were sent way to far and remote regions. However, vast numbers of believers had remained true to Christ. In fact, their numbers may have increased. Dr. Aske, at that time was serving as head of communication activities at Lutheran World Federation. He was instrumental in the bringing together the efforts of the Lutheran Church and the Scripture Society to produce a radio Bible Scripture program that broadcasted to Africa through the Gospel radio station in Ethiopia.
Upon hearing the reports of the situation of the Church in China, he together with Dr. Knud Jorgensen, then served at the International Mass Media Institute organized a China Study conference which met in Hongkong and initiated a movement which began to propagate the use of the mass media to spread the Gospel to China. Dr. Aske's zeal and passion have attracted many others to share his dream. By 1982 enough consensus had been attained that a Working Conference met in Hongkong and agreed to establish an ecumenical evangelical communication agency.
In October of 1984, a group of about 20-30 people representing individual Christians, churches and organizations from around the world burdened with the mission to bring the Gospel to China came together and established Kairos Communication Service. As one of the founders of Kairos, Rev. George Olson, an American pastor and a long time missionary to Japan, had described that : "... we founded Kairos on our knees, praying constantly for guidance, strength and graciousness..."
Kairos is a Greek word which means "God's appointed opportune time". Indeed, the mission entrusted by God to Kairos is to seize upon the opportune time to use the modern media to grow the faith of His people in China and the world.
At the very time of the inaugural meeting in Hongkong, providentially God led Rev. David Chao, an outstanding Christian mass communicator from the Chinese University of Hongkong to Kairos. Rev. Chao and family were about to move to Los Angeles.
In 1985, Kairos Communication Service was officially registered as a non-profit organization in the United States and opened its office and studios at its current headquarters in Alhambra, California with Rev. David Chao as its first Administrative Director.
Thus, Kairos, which began as a dream of one person, developed into a ministry, supported by a consortium of Christians worldwide.
God continues to guide and expand the Kairos vision. In 1994, Kairos Communication Service changed its name to Kairos Communication Service International to facilitate future expansion of its work throughout the world. In November of 2008, Kairos successfully established and registered its branch office as a non-profit organization in Hongkong.
Since its beginning, the mission at Kairos has never changed. In its first 10 years of ministry, God led Kairos to produce many pre-evangelistic radio programs as well as programs to nurture the faith of the believers in China to broadcast to China. As China becomes more and more open to the West and with the rapid advancement of new technology and the modern media, Kairos has now taken up a new role. Kairos has become an "arsenal" for God's army, producing audio and video teaching materials that can be used by churches and missionaries.
We covet your prayers and your partnership in mission to reach the many Chinese people in China and around the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.